At Mission Point, we are devoted to obeying the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-39) to Love God and Love People. We find this is ultimately expressed in our obedience of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) by making disciples of Jesus. Therefore we hold highly the priority of being in relationship with God, through faith in Jesus, and in developing and investing in meaningful relationships within our church family, our local community, and the world. Below you will read our Vision, Mission, and Values which help shape, drive, and guide the ministry of Mission Point Community Church. We invite you to join with us and actively participate in the work the Lord has for us.
To glorify God in all we are and in all we do.
To advance the Kingdom of God by making disciples who make disciples.
We value corporate worship,
so we gather together faithfully.
We value the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus,
so we go, serve, and share with all people.
We value a unified, biblical community,
so we study and submit to the Bible in order to be saturated with God's grace and truth.
We value a ministry of generosity,
so we give sacrificially of our time, resources, and abilities.
We value prayer,
so we commune with the Father in an attitude of humility.